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Scanzano Jonico, torre della Scanzana

  English version

           a cura di Pierfrancesco Nestola         

  Versione italiana

News       The History

The tower.


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 Scanzano Jonico  Scanzano Jonico

Age: XVI century.
Conservation: recently restored.
It can be visited.


The history

Torre della Scanzana, also known as Torre del Faro, is a tower built by the Spanish viceroy in the XVI century, in order to protect and control the coast. It appears as a classic sixteenth century fortification, half-pyramidal shaped, able to resist to possible attacks carried out with the contemporary fire-arms, such as falconetti and bombarde (alike cannons). On the top there is a lighthouse, added in a recent time. 

After many years of carelessness, it has been recently restored, and now it offers a typical sight of the Ionic coast in Lucania, which was about to be destroyed, including the tower, with the construction of the national nuclear rests storage, wanted by the second Berlusconi government.




©2004 Pierfrancesco Nestola (The first photo, 2014:


  su   Basilicata  provincia di Matera
